

Where does it grow? East Coast USA and Southeastern Canada.

Description. The genus Sarracenia contains only 8 species of carnivorous perennials, among which there are both evergreen and deciduous species. The leaves are collected in basal rosettes, modified - carnivorous ones look like deep, bright pitchers. The shades of the pitchers are varied and include green, yellow, white, red and burgundy tones, often with veins highlighted in a contrasting shade. At the bottom of the pitchers is juice that attracts insects. After the victim gets into the pitcher, it rolls down the walls, and the plant begins to digest the food. During the flowering period, small yellow, burgundy or greenish buds appear in the spring months. Only adult specimens that are several years old bloom.

Height. The bushes reach a height of 20 to 80 cm depending on the species.


Caring at home


It is quite difficult to propagate by division during transplantation or by seeds. The seeds must be subjected to cold stratification beforehand. Germination occurs within 20-40 days. The seedlings are kept at a temperature of 16-20 °C.

How to care 

This plant is not for beginners; it requires certain conditions for growth - temperature and air humidity.


The mixture should consist of sphagnum moss, peat and river sand. Preferred soil with an acidic pH. 


Sarracenia is replanted only when necessary, using the transshipment method, approximately once every 2 years, into spacious pots.


Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season – the plant does not tolerate drought. During the winter months, the frequency of watering should be reduced only slightly. Use only soft water for watering.

Flowering time

Flowers appear in spring. 


Diseases and pests  

Despite the fact that sarracenia is moisture-loving, it will not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots.

Harmful insects - mealybugs, aphids, spider mites.

What to feed

Often these plants do not need feeding at all, but sometimes you can use mineral fertilizers with a low calcium content in half the concentration.

Containment temperature

Preferably, moderately warm conditions at a temperature of 16 - 20 °C in spring and summer. In the winter months, representatives of this genus need a period of rest, which they should spend at a temperature of 6 - 10 °C. The bush should not be exposed to temperatures below 5 °C.


A brightly lit location without direct sunlight during the daytime. Plants should receive several hours of direct sunlight every day - morning and evening. 


Sarracenia requires high humidity and good air circulation. Use a room humidifier or place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles to increase the humidity of the atmosphere. It is recommended to spray with soft water at room temperature.



Sarracenia purpurea

Compact herbaceous predatory perennials up to 30 cm high. The plant forms brown or bright burgundy pitchers with a glossy surface. The veins on the jugs may be highlighted with a darker, red tint. The lids of the jugs are heart-shaped, with wavy, solid edges. The lids have hard, light-colored bristles that point downwards into the jug. During the flowering period, the plant produces long, thin, leafless, slightly curved peduncles at the top with large, burgundy flowers.

Sarracenia purpurea

Sarracenia Drummond - Darlingtonia californica

An attractive carnivorous herbaceous plant whose leaves resemble the head of a cobra. In adult plants, the height of the pitchers can reach 90 cm. The pitchers are narrow, cylindrical, light green. In the upper part, the jugs have reddish veins and a translucent surface that allows sunlight to pass through. During the flowering period, plants form vertical, thin, leafless, peduncles curved at the top with spectacular, large, greenish flowers. 

Sarracenia Drummond - Darlingtonia californica